Hello, I am < Ronen />


a serious picture of Ronen

Who am I

Learner & developer living in Ghana

What I hope to do

My purpose is to help as many people as possible with my software making them live a meaningful and enjoyable life.

What I am doing

I am currently a student of the University of Ghana studying BSc. Information Technology.

I am currently participating in the 100DaysOfCode on twitter . Hoping to better my programming skills + I like a good challenge!

When I am not staring at lines of code

Reading | Listening to music | Watching Anime & Movies

Ronen deep in thought

Languages: HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Bootstrap, JavaScript
IDE: Micrsoft VS Code
VCS: Git/GitHub
Debugger: Chrome DevTools


Currently: Python

Keeping Up

1. Improving this website.
2. Ending Level 200 soon.
3. In an internship with Xcelzs.



Recipe App

A recipe app that provides over 200 meals with instructions on how to prepare them. Built using: HTML, Sass and JavaScript.


Quiz App

A quiz app with interesting questions. Built using: HTML, Sass, JavaScript

Morse Code


An website Built using: EJS, Bootstrap, CSS and NodeJS/Express.

Let's talk about everything!

Tell me something interesting. Will get back to you as soon as possible!
